Loch's Chromodoris (Chromodoris lochi) - Marine Life - Liveaboard Diving
Loch's Chromodoris (Chromodoris lochi) - Marine Life - Liveaboard Diving

Loch's Chromodoris

Loch's Chromodoris (Chromodoris lochi) usually measures 4cm and has a sky-blue mantle with very dark or black lines running down its length. Some individuals have a bit of yellow at the front of the matle edge. Its rhinophores are yellow. It's found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly the Coral Triangle.

Loch's Chromodoris
Loch's Chromodoris
Credit: Johan Folmeus
Loch's Chromodoris Chromodoris lochi
Scientific Rank
Mollusca (Mollusks / Molluscs)
Order: Nudibranchia (Nudibranchs)
Family: Chromodorididae (Chromodorididae)
Genus: Chromodoris (Chromodoris)
Species: Chromodoris lochi

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